On 08/09/14 06:47, Rick "Zero_Chaos" Farina wrote:
> On 09/07/2014 09:03 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> Right now the general policy is that we don't allow unmasked (hard or
>> via keywords) ebuilds in the tree if they use an scm to fetch their
>> sources.  There are a bunch of reasons for this, and for the most part
>> they make sense.
> Hard masking is a relic from the days that we didn't just have empty
> keywords, most of the VCS ebuilds in the tree just have empty keywords
> now and are not actually hard masked. I'd say if you set
> ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="**" then you get to keep the pieces.

Hard masking is a relic? That's nonsense

It just always has been a decision left for the developer him or herself
if the masking needs a message or not (package.mask being the way
to mask package with a message, empty KEYWORDS the
way you don't need a message)

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