Ian Stakenvicius:
> Repeating my example, say i'm working on a new release of firefox, it
> takes ~40 mins to compile and there's some stuff it needs to do with
> files in ${FILESDIR} during src_install.  So i'm 'ebuild ...
> install'ing that.  In the meantime, there's a high-priority fix that
> came up that I have to do in say, eudev.  Unless i'm doing my firefox
> work in the master branch locally (and probably am running these tests
> on modified-but-not-committed files), i can't just switch branches to
> do/test/commit/push while ebuild does its thing in the background.  Or
> can I?  I'd have to resort to (3), right?

1. git checkout -b eudev-tmp (create new branch which has the firefox
changes you just made and switch to it)
2. git reset --mixed HEAD~1 (dump the firefox patch back to the unstaged
area, the file is still the same!)
3. fiddle around with eudev, commit and push
4. git checkout -f master (switch back to the master branch and throw
away the unstaged changes in eudev-tmp, however... file is still the same)

Copy over the firefox ebuild to your local overlay before doing
extensive tests and fiddling. That's what I'd do anyway instead of
working directly on the tree.

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