On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Pacho Ramos <pa...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Maybe one option would be to kill Changelogs and provide a script to let
> people get git messages and reformat them in a way similar as current
> ChangeLog files, that way people will still be able to save this
> information for the future (if they won't have internet conection later
> for example) and read it simply with "less" for example. With this
> option, we won't need to provide Changelogs and distribute them but
> people wanting to have them will still be able to generate them if
> wanted (for example, just after updating portage tree)

Or they could just clone the git tree, and they can look at per-file
logs anytime they want to.

I mean, sure, we COULD do this stuff.  But, why?

It isn't like kernel.org has some tool that lets kernel users generate
per-file changelog histories just in case they don't want to use git.

If somebody wants to build a tool like this by all means go ahead and
do it. I just don't see it as something that should be a migration
pre-requisite.  That's just my opinion though.


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