On 05/11/14 12:16, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> When I was taking my ebuild quizzes, I asked for someone to clarify the
> implicit system dependency that we have enshrined in the devmanual:
>   https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485356
> There is... some agreement, but also special cases and special-special
> cases that are folklore-only at this point. To me it seems like a fine
> thing to ask the council to sort out, so I'm asking here for discussion.
> Can we come up with an idiot-proof list (or FLOWCHART, even!) of what
> should and should not be excluded from *DEPEND?

Suggested policy to get the ball rolling:

In general, a package must explicitly depend upon what it directly uses.
However, to avoid ebuild complexity and developer burden there are some
exceptions. Packages that appear in the base system set may be omitted
from an ebuild's dependency list in the following circumstances:

* C compiler and runtime

* C++ compiler and runtime

* A POSIX-compliant shell

* bash, baselayout, binutils, coreutils, findutils, grep, make

* Any archive tools (eg. tar, bzip2, xz-utils) where used for unpacking
SRC_URI only

* Any command guaranteed by PMS at build-time only (eg. sed, patch)

Note that in some cases it might be necessary to explicitly specify a
dependency that's listed above, such as when a specific implementation
is required (eg. a binary package requiring glibc).

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