On Mon, 10 Aug 2015 12:25:58 +0000 (UTC)
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> What about:
> * bug number in summary strongly recommended
> ** summary bug number standardized to GB#xxxxxx or #xxxxxx or similar, 
> short enough for summary, easily identified. GB# would be distinctly 
> gentoo and could be expanded to KDEB#, GNB# (gnome), FDOB#, etc, for 
> projects where users likely to want to see the bug likely know what it is.
> ** summary lists gentoo bug if any, upstream only if no gentoo bug.
> * bug URL in description required.
> ** standardized to Gentoo-Bug: .......
> ** gives people wanting something to click a way to do so
> ** U in URL is universal, unambiguously identifies reference for those 
> unfamiliar with summary shorthand.
> ** Multiple allowed, for multiple gentoo bugs or to identify upstream 
> bugs (using FDO-Bug: or similar) as well.
> That seems a reasonable compromise, given people pulling both ways
> in-thread.

Making the bug number in the summary manditory or strongly encouraged leads to
wonderful commit messages like:

cat-pkg: Fix bug #504321.

Gentoo-Bug: 504321

I would like to see this be more common:

cat-pkg: Make the thingy work again.

Gentoo-Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/504321 or 504321 Idon'tcarewhich

If we're limiting the summary to 1 line, 70-75 chars, manditory cat/package
and bug number there's not a lot of room to summarize in.

Ryan Hill                        psn: dirtyepic_sk
   gcc-porting/toolchain/wxwidgets @ gentoo.org

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