11 авг. 2015 г. 17:33 пользователь "Michał Górny" <mgo...@gentoo.org>
> Hello, everyone.
> Now that we're officially on git and can officially use pull requests
> to provide rapid community interaction, it'd be convenient to have
> a little better framework for pinging package maintainers.
> With the unofficial mirror/pull request project, I was either looking
> for project member GitHub accounts and pinging found project members by
> name, or talking to them directly on IRC. However, with the growth in
> number of pull requests this will become more and more inconvenient.
> Therefore, I think it's time to be able to mirror teams willing to work
> with GitHub community there for easier 'pings'.
> I have two ideas right now:
> 1. creating GitHub Gentoo project teams corresponding to willing Gentoo
> teams,
> 2. preparing lists of GitHub usernames on project wiki pages.
> Solution 1. is cleaner. In this case, we create GitHub teams under
> the Gentoo projects, and add appropriate Gentoo developers having
> GitHub accounts to the teams. Then, in PRs we can just ping the whole
> team like @Gentoo/Qt or like.
> Solution 2. avoids adding any GitHub teams. In this case, in team wiki
> page we collect team member usernames like "@Pesa, @kensington, ..." so
> we could copy-paste it to pull requests. We still require extra effort
> when 'assigning' PRs but at least I don't have to lookup the same
> people over and over again.
> With some Wiki people help, we could even implement updating GitHub
> teams automatically following Wiki member changes.
> Your thoughts?

Hi Michał!
Mirroring teams on GH is a great idea. I have a question though.
Is it OK that highlight links from GH emails and GH pages (like
'@gentoo/qt',  etc) lead to GitHub's 404 page?

> --
> Best regards,
> Michał Górny
> <http://dev.gentoo.org/~mgorny/>

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