On 03/09/15 04:28, Kent Fredric wrote:
> Or for instance, when GMail overhauled their email service, despite
> the pleas of developers to have a "Don't top-post by default" toggle
> in the settings, the whole developer community was deemed unimportant
> and that such a feature could never happen.

Chromium team is no different in this regard. No options, for anything.
It is extremely annoying when they implement 'privacy-violating'
features like the previously visited sites in the New tab (before you've
entered a URL), with no option to disable despite pleas to give that option.

Developers and other habits (perhaps not seen at Google internally) are
apparently not important. Even privacy can be compromised at times. Most
certainly Google mostly cares for those outside the organisation who
'evangelise' with the Google way of doing things.

> So now every time I reply to something, I have to fight with GMail to
> make sure I highlight the whole message manually first, making sure
> not to have my selector accidentally slip outside the email text, and
> *then* hit reply, which makes it quote it instead.

This is why I moved back to a client. Right now Thunderbird.

> </tirade>

We have nearly the same tirade. :|


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