On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 4:28 AM, Kent Fredric <kentfred...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 3 September 2015 at 07:17, Paweł Hajdan, Jr. <phajdan...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:
> > Do you have specific examples?
> None that I can currently recall, I've just long resigned myself from
> trying to care with Google products. The instances I can recall were
> more defects in their web services, some where there was literally no
> place to go, and I just kept getting the feeling nobody cared.

Often that can be the case. On the team I am on, we care but we have about
a billion other things to do than fix low priority bugs or implement
one-off customer features in our clients or APIs. Often I recommend (as
Pawel did later in the thread) writing and using extensions to add these
features. Obviously in the ads one, its not really possible to fix for
everyone (here install this third party extension!) but for gmail it seems
feasible to write a browser extension to highlight the text for you.

> eg: I found a coding defect in the Google Ads code that injected the
> version string from whatever flash implementation you were using
> verbatim inside an HTML Tags attributes without caring to escape it,
> which meant if you had a competing implementation(eg: Gnash ) that
> used a double-quote mark in its version string, Ad injection could
> cause entire page layout to be broken.

> Or for instance, when GMail overhauled their email service, despite
> the pleas of developers to have a "Don't top-post by default" toggle
> in the settings, the whole developer community was deemed unimportant
> and that such a feature could never happen.

So write an extension that doesn't do it?

> So now every time I reply to something, I have to fight with GMail to
> make sure I highlight the whole message manually first, making sure
> not to have my selector accidentally slip outside the email text, and
> *then* hit reply, which makes it quote it instead.

I'm unsure if extensions work on mobile though :(

> The latter choice has been the one that stuck with me the most,
> because I'm constantly feeling like I'm being slapped in the face by
> it.

> Granted these instances are not instances of "Software I run on my
> machine", but they are still software to me.

> </tirade>
> --
> Kent
> KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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