On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> In the long run I am considering just creating my own clone of all
> infrastructure bits so I can fix things

I just wanted to comment that things like this should never be viewed
as a bad thing.  Many contributions to Gentoo arose because somebody
basically took something they saw and made an unofficial fork they
improved upon.  That may or may not have later become official, but it
is often beneficial all the same.

I'd just suggest that anybody doing this document what they do and
publish their sources, so that others can do the same more easily.

My ideal state for Gentoo would be one where very little of what we do
is centrally housed at all, and infra is just a bunch of servers we
tend to use as a matter of convention, but anybody can clone one at
any time and set up their own.  Federated authentication could let
people login to various services without having to actually have
access to anything sensitive.  This would make it much easier for
anybody to offer new services, or to offer patches to infra, and then
infra could perhaps be more in the role of a trusted gatekeeper and
spend less time having to implement every little thing.

That said, it is something that would need to be worked towards.  My
understanding is that infra is already trying to keep the sensitive
stuff separate from the mundane in their newer work, but I'm sure they
have a ton of old stuff that hasn't been migrated in this fashion.  As
with many teams they're probably a bit overloaded, so a big question
is how to make it happen without just throwing complaints on the folks
who are trying their best to keep it all going.


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