Rich Freeman wrote:
> a big question is how to make it happen without just throwing
> complaints on the folks who are trying their best to keep it all going.

The answer to this is the same as it has always been:

Demonstrate that you are capable and reliable and given social
compatibility then after some time you too can become a part of
the team.

This is the way most open source projects, actually most human
projects work. Maintainers are not picked at random when there
is high load, but trusted long-time contributors are promoted
to maintainers when they shine.

The more you complain instead of send patches, the less likely you
are to ever become part of the solution.

The key point to remember is that it is NOT neccessary to be part of
the team in order to contribute solutions. You *first* contribute
solutions and only *then* have a chance of becoming part of the team.

I for one am working in my non-existant spare time on a fast
ChangeLog generator.


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