Why does any discussion revolving around systemd always turn out like this?

For the record, I'm an OpenRC user and intend on keeping it that way for
as long as i can. In that case i need udev to keep things working the
way i want them to. So in the case that the systemd team makes udev
inseparable from systemd, I will then consider using eudev or something
else. The point here is that i will change udev "if and when" that happens.

If that change occurs it's not like all OpenRC users are going to have
dead boxes. We will still have older versions of udev in the tree for
quite a while as we figure out the best approach. The best approach may
very well be to make systemd the default over OpenRC. I'm perfectly fine
with that as long as i can still opt to choose OpenRC / "whateverdev" at
install time.

Now eudev looks good to me and will probably work fine for my use case,
but that may not apply to everyone. In fact, the case may be that the
majority of users are using systemd. If the majority of users use
systemd and udev is pulled out from under our feet then maybe we should
go full on systemd. However, maybe the majority of users are not using
systemd and in that case maybe eudev would be a better option. There may
even be other solutions. Of course, there are other things we will need
to consider as well, but not until we have to make those decisions in
response to an upstream change.

The point is that udev works now, and it probably will for a while
longer. There's no point in changing something that not only works, but
works well. When it does break we can then figure out the rest of the
details. It could be a completely different situation tomorrow compared
to what it is today. Again, i don't really care as long as i can choose
the system i want should i want something different than the default.

This discussion shouldn't be about systemd fanboys forcing systemd down
others throats and conversely it shouldn't be about non-systemd bigots
forcing something else down their throats either. It should be about
which default best reflects the needs of the community should udev be no
longer accessible as a stand alone thing. It's almost a pointless
discussion right now considering people are arguing over trivial
preferences / ideologies and the fact that the situation may be very
different when it actually becomes a problem.

In short...

If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

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