On 15:16 Wed 08 Jun, Alexander Berntsen wrote:
> Friends,
> It would be wise of us to create a novel way of involving users from
> the ashes of Sunrise.
> Here is my suggestion: It would be fruitful to encourage every single
> Gentoo user to have their own repository. And this repository should
> be publicly available.
> This way we can merge useful things from people, and they can submit
> pull-requests if they have useful things that are not in the tree.
> Before merging anything to the main tree, ebuilds should of course be
> carefully reviewed. Users could also review each other's ebuilds to
> ensure better quality ebuilds.
> This could lead to a future where the Gentoo tree is largely
> superseded. Every user would just have their own repository, where
> they could pick and choose packages from other users. The Gentoo tree
> would just focus on a high-quality repository of the basic/core things
> that everybody needs. Gentoo devs would spend most of their time
> maintaining curated small and useful repositories.

How all those people are expected to coordinate their work? I mean if
personA is going to drop the library that is required by personB,
personC and personD he should probably notify them beforehands. Thus he
needs a tool to monitor who the hell depends on him. Either that or all
repo masters will have to bundle their own versions of every library
that is not in ::gentoo in order to prevent sudden breackages.

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