On 09/14/2016 06:21 AM, Alexis Ballier wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 08:45:58 -0400
> Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> On 09/14/2016 01:54 AM, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
>>> We had a review of such files before the git conversion:
>>> https://bugs.gentoo.org/550434
>>> Especially, there's a list of "maintainer scripts" in comment #13.
>>> At the time, we didn't do anything about them. There are very few of
>>> such files (namely, 12 when that comment was written) so the space
>>> taken by them is negligible.
>> I'll take the low hanging fruit:
>>   * dev-libs/collada-dom/files/take_snapshot.sh
>>   * sys-libs/libcxxrt/files/prepare_snapshot.sh
>> Those two are completely trivial; clone a repo, rm -rf .git, tar it
>> up.
> Guess you never had to maintain packages whose releases are only
> snapshots. They're trivial but it's a waste of time to re-assemble all
> the bits every couple of months when you want to make a snapshot.
> Questions one needs to answer:
> - What SCM is used ?
> - What is the URI ?
> - How to fetch it ?
> - What should be cleaned up after fetching ?
> - What dirname to use so that it matches ebuilds' $S ?
> - What compression to use so that it matches SRC_URI ?
> Those scripts are made to automate this, and as you can see are closely
> related to ebuilds, and thus fit perfectly next to them.
Why are those ebuilds not live? If upstream doesn't do real releases and
can't even be bothered to tag the commit that marks a release, then why
are you (or someone else) doing all this work? The snapshot scripts
could be replaced by a live ebuild and upstream can handle bugs as they
come since they can't be bothered to version their software.

Just my 2¢.

Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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