On 11/23/2016 09:46 AM, Kent Fredric wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 09:44:33 +0100
> Manuel RĂ¼ger <mr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> What happens if the ebuild wants to create multiple users/group?
>> Currently, I want to ignore that case and focus on the 80% ebuilds that
>> can profit from such an eclass.
> You can solve that part quite easily really.
> Just deem USERKIT_USER and USERKIT_GROUP to be basenames
> for idenitifiers.
> Then you'd have
>    get_user == returns "${USERKIT_USER}"
>    get_user "admin" == returns "${USERKIT_USER}-admin"
> Its not a perfect solution, but its better than "we just forget about this"

That's not flexible enough, because we don't have control over the
user/group naming scheme used by upstream. So, we have to support an
unbounded number of arbitrarily named users and groups.

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