On 11/21/2016 12:46 PM, Mike Gilbert wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Jeroen Roovers <j...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 10:01:47 +0100
>> Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> Since some of our people don't want to admit they're using GitHub or
>>> otherwise want to pretend they're not
>> Interesting how you simply can't understand that some people hate
>> mixing work and pleasure[1] and how you then need to ridicule what you
>> don't understand, Ciaran.
>>      jer
>> [1] Or indeed hate using some third party's proprietary website
>>     that has the barest possible support for managing multiple user
>>     profiles in a single account and seems to be geared toward the Web
>>     2.0 or "social media" inclined.
> I don't see what you find offensive about mgorny's message. You're
> overreacting to "ridicule" that simply isn't there.
I can understand taking issue with the tone. Maybe it was meant to be a
joke, since almost everyone and their brother is on GitHub. I closed my
account there a while ago due to personal issues with their behavior and
terms. I also found that despite having access to Gentoo repositories,
policies regarding the treatment of the repos (at the time) wasn't
clear, so I never did anything in Gentoo space on GitHub to begin with
for fear of breaking something or pissing someone off.

I'm not sure if I'm alone on that, but yeah; without any context the
quote could be interpreted as a jab at people who don't use GitHub.
*shrug* Rather than guess about it why not ask Michał what he meant by it?

A funny deficiency of GitHub is it doesn't allow for open conversations.
You're always forced to talk about something directly related to the
code, like an Issue or a Commit. Gists can be somewhat analogous to an
open discussion, but that strikes me as abuse of the medium.
Additionally, it's not a threaded format so it's hard to guess which
branch of conversation you're on.

Of course sometimes you *want* to focus strictly on the code, but that's
not how real-world organizations work. They're made of people, and most
people end up talking about things *around* the code that are still
important, like the various RFCs that we post here on the ML. None of
what GitHub offers is suitable for that imo.
Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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