The two most common errors that occur in the rsync-gen process are
missing DIST entries in the Manifest committed to git, and
metadata.xml that fails to validate against the DTD.  Two much less
common errors that have occurred in the last 24 hours which prompted
this email are FILESDIR items that are way too large (>60 KiB), and
completely missing metadata.xml.  All four of these errors are fatal
to the rsync-gen process, and for good reason.

Anything fatal to rsync-gen completely stops the git to rsync
conversion, and the rsync tree remains at the state it was before the
failure until the failure is resolved.  If it isn't apparent, this
completely blocks all updates, GLSA distribution, news item
distribution, and anything else distributed by the rsync tree either
now or in the future, until the problem is fixed.  If you're curious
about the current age of the rsync tree due to failures, you can
retrieve the metadata/timestamp or metadata/timestamp.x (not
timestamp.chk) file from and inspect its contents (or
do a verbose listing of the file, and look at the mtime).  The rotation only contains servers managed by infra,
which sync against the private master rsync server very frequently, so
you can be reasonably sure they're about as up to date as possible.
Explanation of the various timestamp files:

* timestamp: created by rsync-gen script in the staging directory
immediately after md5-cache generation and manifest thickening is
* timestamp.x: created by cron job periodically (script comment says
every 5 minutes, but I think it's less often than that) in the staging
* timestamp.chk: created by cron job periodically (again, script
comment says every 5 minutes, but I think it's every 15 minutes) in
the *final* directory

The final directory is what is served by the private master rsync
server, so you can use timestamp.chk to see the age of your local
mirror relative to the private master rsync server.  The staging
directory is transferred to the final directory as part of successful
completion of the rsync-gen script (it's the last step), so if
anything bails before that, it doesn't happen (thus, timestamp and
timestamp.x are mostly equivalent in meaning).

Why do these happen?  The answer is very simple: you forgot to run
repoman in the package directory before pushing your changes.
Alternately, the metadata.xml failing to validate error can happen if
your repoman is old.

So what can you do about it?  First, make sure repoman is installed
and up to date.  As of portage 2.3.0, repoman is a separate package
(app-portage/repoman) with its own release schedule, so once you've
updated portage past that version, you need to install repoman
yourself.  Repoman needs to be at least version 2.3.0 as well (which
it will be if you've installed portage 2.3.0 or newer), because the
metadata.xml validation check does not exist in any previous version,
and as mentioned, that check is fatal to the rsync-gen process.
Second, and I cannot stress this enough, *run repoman.*  Before you
push any changes to a package, run repoman manifest followed by at
least repoman manifest-check.  Repoman manifest will ensure that all
your DIST entries are there, and repoman manifest-check will cover the
other three issues I mentioned.  Repoman's scan and full commands also
include the checks done by manifest-check, so if you're running one of
those already prior to pushing your changes, you don't need to do
repoman manifest-check as well.  Note: pkgcore's repoman-alike (I
believe it's called pcheck) does not behave the same as repoman as of
this writing, and some checks it does not consider fatal are fatal to
repoman (eg the FILESDIR item larger than 60 KiB), so if you're
relying on pcheck for your QA checks, you should also do a repoman
manifest-check for good measure.  This should go without saying, but
if you modify an eclass in a way that affects SRC_URI for any package,
you should go through the packages that use that eclass and run
repoman manifest on them.

Remember, QA includes YOU!  (This also applies to all of you
submitting pull requests or otherwise proxy maintaining packages, and
all members of proxy-maint project; you should all be doing these QA
steps before you submit or push changes.)


The guy who gets emailed every half hour because you broke the rsync
conversion until it's fixed, also known as Doug or dwfreed.

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