On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 23:33:06 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> So, to summarize: you want to destroy a reasonably reliable dependency
> system in favor of thing that randomly explodes because you failed at
> hacking at it?

Interesting comments. If the system is so well engineered. Why am I
having to "hack" it as you call it?

When did changing targets to only have 1 version of Ruby, or 2 pythons
becoming hacking. I do like how it was phrased. It shows right there
the issue. If ANYONE has to hack around it, it sucks....
> Well, you've already dismissed the users for which it works out of
> the box... obviously they're not a proper Gentoo users if they don't
> break their system and then complain that Gentoo is doing everything
> wrong because they can break their systems.

Only users who it works for, is those who are not wanting specific
versions and not others. As in those who do not set the targets and let
them be wide open, or wildcard. So they do not care what is installed.

They are likely also not doing much with USE flags or other things.
They obviously do not care what is on their systems.

Most any system admin does care about what is on their system. Every
other version is another potential for security issues etc. What good
system adminstrator just installs needless stuff because they are lazy.

Neither of these are good points. hacking nor users who do not care to
even set targets....

William L. Thomson Jr.

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