On Wed, 2017-05-17 at 18:38 +0200, Patrick Lauer wrote:
> Bonus mention:
> bbdc5412061adf598ed935697441a7d6b05f7614
>      app-admin/logstash-bin: drop old
>      Signed-off-by: Andrew Savchenko <birc...@gentoo.org>
> That removed the versions I was using, so I better maintain the versions 
> I use in an overlay. Well ok then.

I'm sorry that the situation turned out badly for you. However, I would
like to point out that problems like this are rarely unilateral,
and usually involve issues on both ends.

I'd like to ask you a very simple question: what did you do to ensure
that the versions you are using are not accidentally removed?

I could have a few ideas, such as:

a. slotting the package to indicate that multiple versions might be

b. opening a bug requesting the old version to be kept,

c. leaving a comment in the ebuild (unlikely to help but still),

d. just mailing proxy-maint@ to let us know of the issue.

However, as far as I'm aware none of this happened. Note that I might
have missed the mail, or it might have been sent before I joined --
correct me if that is the case.

As Alec pointed out, it is a normal procedure in Gentoo to remove old
versions of software if there is no explicit indication that they need
to be kept. Therefore, I don't see anything wrong with the proxied
maintainer wishing to clean the old versions up and/or not requesting
your explicit permission for that. If you needed the old versions, you
should have made that clear.

I should also point out that the steps you've taken (and listed in this
mail) are not really relevant. They make you look like a sloppy
maintainer, and a bad Gentoo developer at the best -- and I doubt anyone
would connect removing proxy-maint team with a necessity of keeping
an old version.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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