So here's the agenda. It's been mostly assembled by tamiko, who may 
unfortunately not make it tonight. I'll try to stand in...

 - a short hello :-)

 - Outstanding CVEs for binutils, elfutils, gcc, and glibc [1]
   * Who handled CVEs in the past?
   * Who wants to take care of individual packages?
   * Stabilizing newer binutils and glibc is urgent.

 - current state of gcc porting (e.g. troubles with +ssp on alpha)
   * We have to fix the gcc compilation issues
   * Open gcc bugs [2]

 - full multilib compliant toolchain.eclass for gcc-7

 - How to tackle all open toolchain bugs? [3]
   * Volunteers for individual packages? (e.g. binutils, glibc, etc.)

 - Globally setting -std=c++14 in upcoming 17.0 profiles

 - What about quick (bi-)monthly meetings (~15 minutes) on IRC to keep 
ourselves updated?





Andreas K. Hüttel
Gentoo Linux developer (council, perl, libreoffice)

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