Eating spam for breakfast! Glorious Spam!

On Sat, 18 Nov 2017 09:59:15 -0500
"William L. Thomson Jr." <> wrote:
> That is also the main reason for Icedtea project existence beyond
> having a FOSS harness to build/boostrap OpenJDK/Java. Oracle JDK may
> only support certain archs. If you want to build on another, that is
> where Icedtea plays a role. Though again still have other issues,
> Hotspot, Zero, OpenJ9, legacy JamVM, etc. 

Ideally these are like USE flags, some are already for icedtea.

cacao, jamvm, and zero, in addition to default HotSpot.

No clue if icedtea/gnuandrew is looking to add support for OpenJ9. That
would likely be a big one since its from IBM, and the core to their JDK
for Power.

IBM also has a JDK, not packaged on Gentoo. Everyone already hates
Oracle so little interest in IBM. Ideally Gentoo should have it, though
not sure if it will continue on beyond 8. Maybe why they released J9.
It does support different archs.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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