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There's been research, on this, and the study by harvard business
school was summarized and discussed by NPR in 2015:

[ Turns out toxic coworkers are more
than just an annoyance. A new study
out of the Harvard Business School
warns that bullying workers are more costly,
even if they are more productive. ] -- NPR description

https://goo.gl/g8Ujuk (short URL of the same)

With gentoo being a non-profit organization, an alternative way to
view it could be the trade-off of seeing developers / maintainers /
staff leave, and any "lost profits" are in the form of community
relations, image, and willingness for ongoing productive work by those
who remain with the gentoo organization.

Research paper itself (which includes supporting 57 citations)

https://goo.gl/42A8v7 (short URL of the same)

... and was itself cited a dozen or times:

https://goo.gl/obvdzh (short URL of the same)

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