On 12/21/17 15:11, Rich Freeman wrote:
> Part of me wonders if issues with stable are causing issues with
> ~arch.  If stable is regarded as stale that is going to push people
> into ~arch who really intend to have stable systems.  That said you do
> want testing systems to have a reasonably low bug count because it is
> kind of hard to test the latest chromium beta when X11 isn't working.
Don't wonder anymore, this already happened, however it has to be noted
that different part of the tree are different.
Most famous server packages (apache, nginx, postfix, mysql posgrees) are
in good shape, stable here is pretty usable and working well.

When the target is a desktop system however things change and you are
pushed to a partially ~arch system and soon thereafter to a full
unstable install.

This is only partially imputable to the (lack of) manpower, increased
number of installed packages, infinitely bigger use flag permutation and
functionality,  in short complexity make very difficult to have a stable
system that stay stable.

Stable has to be stable in different point in times, and it's not enough
to wait a month of user test, that's a good start, but it should be
constantly  monitored in a changing environment. This is very difficult
when thare are 2000pkgs installed instead of 500.

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