>>>>> On Sun, 28 Jan 2018, Michał Górny wrote:

>> > This specification currently defines one section: ``[structure]``.
>> > This section defines one or more repository structure definitions
>> > using sequential integer keys.  The definition keyed as ``0``
>> > is the most preferred structure.  The package manager should use
>> > the first structure format it recognizes as supported, and ignore any
>> > it does not recognize.  If this section is not present, the package
>> > manager should behave as if only ``flat`` structure were supported.
>> It is not at all clear from this how integer keys are ordered. The
>> paragraph only says that "0" is most preferred, but says nothing about
>> comparison of other numbers.
>> For example, if there are keys "-1", "0", and "1" (these are
>> "sequential integer keys", right?), what is their order of preference?

> Please suggest a better wording. The idea was to use 0=, 1=, 2=...

"... using non-negative integer keys.  The definition with the
smallest key is the most preferred structure.  The package manager
should ignore any formats it does not recognize."


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