Hi everyone,

This is an idea that has been floating around already, as some of you
already know, openQA [1] is a project that provides the ability to fully
testĀ  O.S.

I'd like to bring openQA to Gentoo, and start using it for both testing,
and maybe, if promising at it seems, using it to automatize even more
our testing workflow and help stabilization processes.

I'm creating a new project for this, the aim is first to provide ebuilds
for openQA, and meanwhile writing test cases that can be used to test
Gentoo inside it. As i see it, it would be really helpful exp. regarding
testing DEsĀ  and track back regressions as well [2], it offers also
integrations with bugzilla.

Development plan and goals will be updated to the Project page soon [3]

What do you think?



1: http://open.qa/

2: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/600283

3: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:OpenQA

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