On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 3:20 PM, William Hubbs <willi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the past, openrc has had a dependency on sysvvinit because it called
> killall5. Since it doesn't do that any more, I have been asked to remove
> the dependency [1]. Another advantage of doing this is that people will
> be able to build profiles without an init package, for containers for
> example.
> To do this, I need to add virtual/init for packages that have an init
> process.        then add virtual/init to profiles/base/packages.
> Please proofread virtual/init as attached before I add it to the tree.

If this is really intended to pull in any program that could feasibly
be used as PID 1, there are probably multiple providers missing. A
couple off the top of my head:

sys-apps/openrc (openrc-init)

If the virtual is meant to represent something else (as I suspect it
is), please elaborate.

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