On 07/21/2018 03:01 AM, Dennis Schridde wrote:
> What about adding a third operator, e.g. `^`, that resets a use flag to the 
> unset state?

The behavior of USE (in profiles) is documented in the PMS, so I don't
think we can add a new operator so easily. But, this is what the PMS has
to say [0]...

  Incremental variables must stack between parent and child profiles in
  the following manner: Beginning with the highest parent profile,
  tokenise the variable’s value based on whitespace and concatenate the
  lists. Then, for any token T beginning with a hyphen, remove it and
  any previous tokens whose value is equal to T with the hyphen removed,
  or, if T is equal to -*, remove all previous values.

It looks to me like *within (sub)profiles*, a USE="-foo" should undo
USE=foo, rather than adding "-foo" to the list of tokens that get pushed
down via USE_ORDER.

[0] https://projects.gentoo.org/pms/7/pms.html#x1-560005.3.1

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