On 05/08/18 18:24, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 1:01 PM Alec Warner <anta...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Part of my frustration is that seemingly "anything open source related
>> can be held in Gentoo" and I'm somewhat against that as I feel it
>> dilutes the Gentoo mission. We are here to make a distribution, not
>> maintain random libraries. If you want to do that feel free; but I
>> don't see a need for that work to be associated with Gentoo.
> Honestly, other than maybe some prestige I don't really get the point
> of hosting random software in Gentoo either.  These days getting a
> repo on github or any of its 47 competitors is a few clicks.  You have
> zero overhead from a governance standpoint, and a dev can of course
> stick ebuilds in the main repository with zero interference.  It seems
> a lot cleaner from a copyright/etc standpoint as well.
> Even openrc is hosted outside of Gentoo these days, which makes perfect sense.
> With the distro as a whole it is a bit more complex, though honestly
> I'd love to see us get to a point where the whole thing can be
> SECURELY hosted entirely off-infra as well, even if we still chose to
> run our own infra.  I just see it as a way to both provide options to
> our users and ourselves.  For the latter, being able to host anything
> on an outside service means that if some component of infra goes down
> we could have mirrors already running and pulling from infra, or if
> for some reason somebody sues us or roots us or whatever we can pick
> up and move without much fuss.
> Running your own wiki/bugzilla/lists/etc was about the only way to do
> things in the 90s/etc, but these days there are other options...
"Cloud-based Gentoo" - yeah I see *absolutely no issues* with this ...


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