On 28/12/19 11:32, Kent Fredric wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 11:14:15 +0000
> Michael 'veremitz' Everitt <gen...@veremit.xyz> wrote:
>> I know I'm gonna be shot down in flames, because $heresy, but here is where
>> a package 'database' would actually work quite well, because you can
>> trivially create a query that pulls this data out, and sorts it by package
>> category or maintainer or whatever you like .
> Oh, and once upon a time, there was actually a trick you could do to
> make portage keep its metadata caches in an SQLite database, which had
> its benefits, and I even had a rough tool I wrote in ruby and shared on
> the old (defunct) wiki that helped do quick database queries.
> But the trick actually makes portage slower in multiple ways, and it
> never really got widespread love.
> ( Though I would argue how the data was stored was also inadequate for
> a lot of other tasks one might want to do with a database, like,
> keeping DEPEND stored in its string format )
Note:  we're nnot acttually talking about replacing portage here, just
creating a tool ((((thiink php script web tthingy)) that will do some of
the pre-screeninng worrrrk that AT hate (eg.... what kensiington did  with

* with apologies for keyboard/remote-access lagggg creating typo hell.

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