On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 11:35:49 +0000
Michael 'veremitz' Everitt <gen...@veremit.xyz> wrote:

> Note:  we're nnot acttually talking about replacing portage here, just
> creating a tool ((((thiink php script web tthingy)) that will do some of
> the pre-screeninng worrrrk that AT hate (eg.... what kensiington did  with
> stable-bbot)
> * with apologies for keyboard/remote-access lagggg creating typo hell.

But, doing that requires viewing realised copies of ebuilds, which
requires interpreting eclasses and variable interpolation, which
requires bash sourcing, which requires a mountain of portage hell.

Yes, sharing the stable-bot logic would probably be fine.

But it doesn't use a database AFAIK, it would likely just be making use
of the MD5Cache (either directly, or indirectly via portage APIs)

But I won't be volunteering, because I won't touch python.

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