Am Mittwoch, 3. November 2021, 16:03:37 CET schrieb Thomas Deutschmann:
> Hi,
> it is currently not possible to smoothly run a world upgrade on a 4 
> months old system which doesn't even have a complicated package list:

Yup. We know. It's actually way worse than you describe [*] and was
noticed already quite some time ago. Unfortunately this is a situation
that can IMHO not be easily fixed, and we can only strive to do it 
better next time.

The mistake was to allow the use of EAPI=8 too early. In the future, we
should have a new EAPI supported by portage for at least some months
before the EAPI is even used in the main tree. Not even speaking about
stable here.

From there on all the trouble cascades. And no, disallowing a new EAPI
for only a part of the tree does not help. (Which part?)

An alternative, which we should seriously consider (and which I've been
advocating for several months now) is to make Portage more robust, so
it can more easily upgrade itself, and keep the Portage ebuild at old 
EAPI. This means,
* making Portage independent of the python eclasses, so it runs as long
  as any python3 interpreter exists
* and bundling all Python dependencies it needs for functioning in it

[*] Of course there are ways around this to upgrade the system. However,
that is not the point. It should work out of the box.

Andreas K. Hüttel
Gentoo Linux developer
(council, toolchain, base-system, perl, libreoffice)

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