On Sat, Jan 28, 2023 at 05:38:05PM +0100, Michał Górny wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> TL;DR: I'd like to propose naming dev-python/* packages following PyPI
> names whenever possible, case-preserving, with modifications only when
> necessary to match PN rules.
> So far the naming in dev-python/* hasn't been exactly consistent. 
> Myself I've been mostly following "whatever's the easiest" policy which
> generally meant following GitHub project names whenever we fetched from
> there.
> This mostly made sense so far, as I've been thinking of dev-python/
> primarily in terms of dependencies of other packages.  However, it's
> been pointed out that this makes it hard for people to find packages
> they're looking for.
> The vast majority of packages in dev-python/ are also published on PyPI
> [1].  They can afterwards be installed using tools such as pip, or
> specified as dependencies of other projects — using their PyPI names
> in every case.
> On top of that, it is not unknown for multiple packages with very
> similar names to coexis, say "foo", "pyfoo" and "python-foo".  When GH
> project names come into the picture, this can get even more ambiguous. 
> Don't even get me started about developers pushing duplicate packages
> because they didn't find the existing instance.
> To improve consistency and make packages easier to find, I'd like to
> propose going forward that when packages are published on PyPI, we use
> their official PyPI names.  This also means preserving the case for
> the few packages that use CamelCase names and similar.
> Some modifications will be necessary.  For example, it is legal for PyPI
> package names to include dot (".") — we normally translate that to a
> hyphen ("-").  We may also have use cases for creating multiple Gentoo
> packages from the same PyPI package (see e.g. dev-python/ensurepip-*). 
> Then, there are of course Python packages that aren't published on PyPI.
> Still, I think as a general rule of thumb this would make sense.  WDYT?

Just to say I'm all for it. As much as I don't like some of the
pypi^H^H^H^HPyPi^HI names and mismatches from the "typical" style
used in the tree, it's a small price to pay for consistency within
this large group of packages.

> [1] https://pypi.org/


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