On Wed, 2023-05-31 at 11:43 +0000, Andrey Grozin wrote:
> Hello *,
> wxGTK:3.2-gtk3 is now stable. But there are 98 ebuilds depending on 
> wxGTK:3.0-gtk3 and only 22 ebuilds depending on wxGTK:3.2-gtk3 in the 
> tree. Probably, in a vast majority of cases 3.0 can be simply replaced by 
> 3.2 without any negative consequences. What could be a reasonable way to 
> organize the transition 3.0 -> 3.2 in the tree? File a zillion bugs?
> The fact that this dependence is written in a special syntax
> WX_GTK_VER="3.0-gtk3"
> makes such a transition more difficult. Unlike the normal dependency 
> syntax, it is not possible to write something like
> x11-libs/wxGTK:*=
> This is unfortunate. The 3.0 -> 3.2 transition absolutely requires to edit 
> ebuild texts, unlike :*= where the same ebuild can work with different 
> slots (just a recompilation is sufficient for transition). This fact 
> makes it impossible for an ebuild to work with both slots. In a majority 
> of cases, I suppose, it would be desirable to allow an ebuild to work with 
> any of these 2 slots, without a necessity to edit it. But, alas, this is 
> not possible.
> Andrey

games-engines/odamex is another one that doesn't work with 3.2. It just
crashes. Haven't looked into it.

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