Alex Boag-Munroe wrote:
> A maintainer would need to be willing to uphold the "provides
> virtual/libudev, honest guv" as well as deliver on the promises it makes
> when it tells pkgconf what version it is.  Not doing so is a support and
> user headache later when more things use the new tags interface and subtle
> or even not so subtle bugs creep in, new bugs get opened on b.g.o as well
> as the added burden on #gentoo IRC.

At the end of the day if keeping it causes so much grief for devs on bz,
irc or elsewhere then fair enough I accept that, if that would really be
the case, I'd never want to advocate something that comes with too a high
a cost from that point of view.  If the majority of Gentoo's devs just
don't want it around causing headache after headache that's a valid reason
to get rid of it.  However, I believe what I'm proposing would not have
the result you're predicting as it would no longer be falsely promising
something it cannot deliver, as desktop use would not be supported (unless
someone comes up with a way of making that work acceptably of course) yet
and maybe never.  Maybe there would even need to be a (shock,horror) dirty
hack with regards pkgconf (ok now I'm probably really going to get kicked
out for suggesting that)

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