Hi all,

Lots of people have been asking about systemd selinux policy support. It
is finally almost here! The basic support was added upstream a few days
ago and is now merged into our repo. If anyone wants to test it and let
me know how it works (or even better, send patches upstream) that'd be

I have added an selinux useflag to sec-policy/selinux-base-9999.
To test you will need to do something like:

echo "sec-policy/selinux-* **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/selinux
echo "-selinux" >> /etc/portage/profile/use.mask
emerge @selinux-rebuild
(I recommend doing it in permissive since its completely untested)

I will try and set up a VM soon to test it but since I have not used
systemd before it may take a while. I'll leave this in master for a
while before the next policy release in case any major issues turn up.

-- Jason

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