Hi, as you might know, global read-only data (e.g. the .rodata section)
usually end up in the same segment as .text. This means that .rodata
contains potentially executable data, which is always useful for an
attacker looking for ROP gadgets.

However, the gold linker has a nice option (--rosegment) to split in
distinct segments .rodata and .text, so that read-only data is not

So: why don't we enable it in Gentoo hardened? I know for sure that
certain packages fail to link with ld.gold (see [1]).

A couple of questions:

* Can we blacklist some packages from being linked using gold? Maybe we
  can provide a package.env file in an overlay/profile listing all
  those that have to use bfd (CFLAGS="-fuse-ld=bfd").
* Does Gentoo have an infrastructure to rapidly test a new option on a
  large set of packages? If not, I might set up something. Scripts to
  orchestrate everything would be useful too.

Alessandro Di Federico

[1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=269315

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