On Saturday 05 November 2005 04:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 03:44:30AM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> > Nobody else has shown a real example, why should I?
> > ...
> > I am focusing on what it could do. I stated all the options in my
> > previous email.
> > ...
> > To restate: How often is it there is exactly one masked version
> > available? What to do when there are two?
> How old are you?  You sound like some crotchety old fart on a rocking
> chair on his porch.

26; almost 27.

> Good god.  Probably once or twice a month I read about some program
> that sounds interesting, run emerge -p on my amd64, it complains that
> some dependency is masked, I edit /etc/portage/packages.keywords,
> emerge -p again, get another complaint about some other top level
> dependency, rinse, lather, repeat, until I have a half dozen additions
> or give up in disgust.  If you have never had this happen, then I feel
> sorry for you for being so unadventurous.

I run ~amd64 but always run whatever the latest packaged KDE is available.
Unmasking all of KDE would fit in your category I guess, but I think the 
discussion with TGL tied with package.unmask would solve that. The only
other times I run into masked packages are those that are missing an amd64

> And the only way I can provide a real world example is wait til it
> comes around again on the gitar, to quote Arlo, and I am not going to
> waste my time trying to remember to come back to this dicsussion then,
> it will be quite cold in its grave, obviously where you want it to go.

I don't really want a real world example. You seemed to want one.

> I swear you have got to be just about the most negative pessimistic
> whining poster on this list.

Heh. This made me laugh. If "negative" means that I try to be pro-active by 
searching for problems, "pessimistic" means that I do find a lot of problems, 
and "whining" means that I keep going back to points that haven't been 
addressed, then why sure I am! ;)

Jason Stubbs
gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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