On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 03:44:30AM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:

Nobody else has shown a real example, why should I?
I am focusing on what it could do. I stated all the options in my previous email.
To restate: How often is it there is exactly one masked version available? What to do when there are two?

How old are you?  You sound like some crotchety old fart on a rocking
chair on his porch.

Good god.  Probably once or twice a month I read about some program
that sounds interesting, run emerge -p on my amd64, it complains that
some dependency is masked, I edit /etc/portage/packages.keywords,
emerge -p again, get another complaint about some other top level
dependency, rinse, lather, repeat, until I have a half dozen additions
or give up in disgust.  If you have never had this happen, then I feel
sorry for you for being so unadventurous.

And the only way I can provide a real world example is wait til it
comes around again on the gitar, to quote Arlo, and I am not going to
waste my time trying to remember to come back to this dicsussion then,
it will be quite cold in its grave, obviously where you want it to go.

I swear you have got to be just about the most negative pessimistic
whining poster on this list.

Because insulting a portage developer is sure to get your feature implemented. Er...wait a minute ;)

Why do a half assed job that only prints 1 or 2 levels deep? Even then things can get complicated, especially when there are a lot of masked packages and dependencies ( try emerging enlightenment cvs, for example, like 15+ packages..or god.Modular X even :) ). I guess you could do a iterative DFS, although again, hard to tell when to stop iterating and give up.

Nothing here is simple, there are a lot of choices here, and if there are a lot of masked packages, the depgraph gets deep very fast. If I try to emerge, say an xorg-meta build, there are 100+ masked ebuilds I have to unmask. Maybe the meta doesn't depend on exact versions and for each masked ebuild there are two versions available. Do you want portage to print all 200 canidates out and be like, hey you need to unmask these. There are a bunch of simple canidates out there for this that make it easy in concept, but there are a few canidates out there that make this very difficult, due to their size. In the example above, we only went 1 level deep in the tree and found 200 masked canidates, there is no way to print less ( unless you just hard mask some integer in there ).

If you can come up with some simple way to handle these complex cases, by all means, otherwise the solution will work most of the time and die horribly on the complex cases, and IMHO, that is not acceptable.

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