On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 12:23:58PM -0700, Zac Medico wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've written a patch [1] that adds support for package.use.mask in the 
> profile.  It should behave exactly as use.mask currently does except that it 
> allows USE flags to be masked for specific packages rather than for all 
> packages.
> In previous discussion it's been noted that package.mask + use deps would be 
> an alternative way to express this type of masking.  However, 
> package.use.mask + use deps would have the added ability to mask certain USE 
> flags based on other flags that have been selected for a package.  Either 
> way, the per-package use.mask functionality is certainly needed.  Shall we go 
> ahead with the package.use.mask implementation or not?
> Zac
> [1] 
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/branches/2.1/patches/package.use.mask.patch

Since you're sliding this in, why not slide it in using use dep 

No, not going to fight over this not being in package.mask, what I'm 
saying is this _is_ masking of a use dep atom, just use use dep syntax 
in the file instead.

If y'all get use deps, it'll be a bit simpler for folks to support 
then the existing crappy format used imo.

Plus, parsing it's easy.

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