2022-07-28 17:47 UTCに、Fabian Groffen <grob...@gentoo.org>は書いた:
> bin/isolated-functions.sh does the following bit:
> if [[ -z ${USERLAND} ]] ; then
>    case $(uname -s) in
>    *BSD|DragonFly)
>        export USERLAND="BSD"
>        ;;
>    *)
>        export USERLAND="GNU"
>        ;;
>    esac
> fi
> (after which it uses USERLAND for a single purpose, to export XARGS to
> either GNU '[g]xargs -r', or BSD 'xargs')
> This bit is problematic for Prefix, because Prefix may run on *BSD, but

But this code starts with 'if [[ -z ${USERLAND} ]]', so it should not
be run when USERLAND="GNU".

USERLAND="GNU" is set in make.defaults, which is parsed by Portage
early (at Python side) and these values are passed by Portage to
ebuild.sh subprocess.

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