On 28-07-2022 20:11:24 +0200, Fabian Groffen wrote:
> On 28-07-2022 19:57:50 +0200, Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis wrote:
> > But this code starts with 'if [[ -z ${USERLAND} ]]', so it should not
> > be run when USERLAND="GNU".
> > 
> > USERLAND="GNU" is set in make.defaults, which is parsed by Portage
> > early (at Python side) and these values are passed by Portage to
> > ebuild.sh subprocess.
> Hmmm, that would be nice, features/prefix/make.defaults includes setting
> that.
> Makes me still wonder why we do this, is it a fallback for when the
> profiles aren't available (no tree yet) or something?
> It exports XARGS, which only used in the ___parallel_xargs function.
> That function in turn is used in 2 places.  So all this stuff is done to
> add -r to xargs if xargs isn't BSD xargs.  Iow --no-run-if-empty, which
> is cool, but apparently not strictly necessary (fugly warning I guess at
> worst).  We're already checking xargs to support --max-procs=, so we
> could in the same go check for support of --no-run-if-empty, and drop
> the whole XARGS thing and declutter the code quite a lot :)

Sorry, I grepped wrong.  XARGS is used throughout the code, so it needs
to be initialised in isolated-functions.sh.  It could be initialised by
simply probing instead of relying on uname though.

As for USERLAND, emerge-webrsync and delta-webrsync appear to use it,
but they retrieve it from portageq, so I guess USERLAND is not really
used in Portage itself.


Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

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