On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 4:24 AM, Matt Turner <matts...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Can we make autobuilds go to /experimental and then only move them to
> /releases when someone actually tests them?
Even though this sounds good and makes sense, if we don't even have enough
people to work on things now, this would only make things worse (imho).

> Looking at bugzilla and listening in #gentoo-releng, it's kind of
> embarrassing how often someone downloads a Live CD only to find out
> that networking is totally broken by a udev upgrade, or something to
> that effect.
There's no way to deal with this breaks when those committing them don't
even warn us about them.

> We don't commit version bumps straight to stable; I don't see why we
> do with release media.
> Matt
The alternative here is the automated testing that I've talked about with
others on FOSDEM and Prague last year, but that still needs to be done.
Amongst other testing, the idea would be to pick the latest ISO and boot it
on some virtualization platform and catch the console output to ensure it
booted successfully and not tests failed.



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