On Tue, 18 Oct 2016 09:11:59 +1300
François Bissey <frp.bis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 18/10/16 06:10, v...@ukr.net wrote:
> >   Hello!
> >
> > On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 21:55:18 +1300
> > François Bissey <frp.bis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  
> >> OK so I checked on my other machine. liblinbox.so should have been
> >> linked to (c)blas and so should have matrix_modn_dense_float.so
> >> independently. Because you didn’t get any complaints from ldd
> >> on liblinbox.so I’ll assume that it was missing/not properly
> >> detected when linbox was built. The way matrix_modn_dense_float.so
> >> is built also suggest that cblas was missing when built.
> >>
> >> What does
> >> pkg-config —libs cblas
> >> pkg-config —libs blas
> >> pkg-config —libs lapack
> >> report?
> >>  
> > $ pkg-config --libs cblas
> > -lgsl
> >
> > $ pkg-config --libs blas
> > -lblas
> >
> > $ pkg-config --libs lapack
> > -lreflapack -lblas
> >  
> Smells like a system using the main tree blas/lapack rather
> than the science overlay. I may have to enforce something
> there. Anyway those are very strange answers nonetheless.
> I would expect "-lgslcblas" not "-lgsl". If you have
> "-lreflapack" what blas are you using if not "refblas"?
> So does /usr/lib64/libgslcblas.so exist on your system?
> Is /usr/lib64/libblas.so a dangling symlink (point to nothing)?
> Francois

OK, the blas does appear to be perhaps dangling, but the the cblas looks like
what was reported at https://github.com/cschwan/sage-on-gentoo/issues/429.


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