Just so I can wrap up this thread for the archives...   

I got it working with Kevin's method (well, his description of someone
else's method).  I know I had it working before with just grub but for
the life of me I can't remember what I did.  Anyway, thanks for all your


On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Kevin J. Anderson wrote:

> You could also install grub into your root partition, use dd to copy the
> first 512k out into a file, transfer that file to your xp c:\ root, and then
> use XP's boot.ini to give you the option to boot linux instead of xp.  This
> is the way I have always done dual boots w/ nt/2k/xp and I find it to be
> much less "dangerous" esp since windows seems to like the situtation much
> better.
> I think setup (hd0,2)  root (hd0,2) would be the grub commands (please
> correct me if I am wrong)
> then you can use this command in linux dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/bootsect.lnx
> bs=512 count=1
> transfer that file somehow over to your c:\ (floppy, ftp it somewhere else,
> bring it back down, etc)
> add c:\Bootsect.lnx="Gentoo Linux" to your boot.ini
> google for "boot.ini dd linux dual boot" for more info on the subject, as my
> explanation is very cut and dry.
> kev
> ->-----Original Message-----
> ->From: Jeremy Workman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 12:14 PM
> ->Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] grub help (hda1=winxp, hda3=linux)
> ->
> ->
> ->I notice you said you tried "setup (hd0,0)". That would be the first
> ->partition on the first hard drive (/dev/hda1). To install Grub into the
> ->master boot record the command would be "setup (hd0)".
> ->
> ->Hope this helps.
> ->
> ->
> ->On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 13:04, Ajay Sharma wrote:
> ->> hey everyone,
> ->>
> ->> I just finished rebuilding my machine and I repartitioned my
> ->box so that
> ->> it looks like:
> ->>
> ->> /dev/hda1 = windows xp (ntfs)
> ->> /dev/hda2 = linux swap
> ->> /dev/hda3 = gentoo (ext3)
> ->>
> ->> no, I don't have a separate /boot partition.  Anyway, I followed the
> ->> installation instructions (excellent btw!) and I'm having problems
> ->> getting grub to install on my MBR.  In the grub prompt, when I type in
> ->> "root(hd0,0)" it would come back with something like "unrecognized file
> ->> type".  After that it's pretty obvious that the "setup(hd0,0)" wasn't
> ->> going to work.  I then ran root(hd0,2) and that went over fine but now
> ->> when I boot up it goes right into windows xp and not the grub boot
> ->> loader because it's not installed on the MBR.
> ->>
> ->> I'd appreciate any help.
> ->>
> ->> Thanks,
> ->> Ajay
> ->>
> ->> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ->> Satyajot (Ajay) Sharma
> ->> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ->>
> ->>
> ->> --
> ->> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> ->>
> ->>
> ->
> ->
> ->--
> ->[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> ->
> --
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Satyajot (Ajay) Sharma 

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