On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Gary Davis wrote:

> I have almost exactly the same setup.  What you do is follow the grub
> configure in the Installation Instructions and simply put (hd0,2)
> wherever it lists (hd0,0).  Everything else should remain the same,
> including setup (hd0) which puts grub in the MBR.

Arg, now you've got me thinking again...  when I run grub and type in
"root (hd0,2)", it responds with "unrecognized file system".  Then if I 
type in "setup (hd0)" after that it says something like "can't mount 
filesystem".  I tried it in all kinds of configurations and the only 
thing that worked was:

root (hd0,2)
setup (hd0,2)

Maybe it can't write to the bootloader since the Windows XP one is 
already there?  The last time I installed my sistem, I installed 
gentoo/grub first, then Windows XP second.   


Satyajot (Ajay) Sharma 

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