On Friday 07 March 2003 03:00 pm, richard terry wrote:
> Hi,
> After literally days of downloading via my dialup and having got a base
> kernel etc compiled, I'm now halted at kdeaddons failing to compile.
> Any suggestions about how to continue. I've heard how good gentoo is, and
> I've certainly learnt heaps about linux to this point.
> As I'm not a computer nerd nor technical person could any help be kept
> simple.
> I've used Mandrake for a few years, so am  familiar with basic file
> editing, compiling useing tar.gz, configure, make, install etc, so I've
> some basic skills.

You are to be commended for giving Gentoo a whirl given your non-nerdish and 
non-technical tendencies!

Could you post a bit more about the error, such as the last page or so of the 
error message?

Stand Fast,

Timothy Grant

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