On Friday 07 March 2003 18:54, Timothy Grant wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am very happily running linux-wlan-ng on my R31 ThinkPad with a built in
> prism card.
> I do have two questions though.
> linux-wlan-ng uses an init script called wlan. This is not a Gentoo flavour
> init script, but it still works pretty well. The problem is that I want my
> net.wlan0 init script to "need" the wlan init script and I'm not sure how
> to do this. I've tried...
> init.d/wlan..
> depend {
>       provide wlan
> }
> init.d/net.wlan0...
> depend {
>       need wlan
> }
> but that doesn't work as rc-update bitches about wlan not being a
> dependancy or something like that.

Maybe try running /sbin/depscan.sh before rc-update ??

> Second. I have a completely different wireless configuration at home and at
> the office. This isn't a big issue as I have two configuration files and a
> script that I run by hand to change from home configuration to work
> configuration and vice-versa.
> I'd love to find a way to automatically detect which network I'm in
> proximity to and automatically configure for that network at startup. If
> anyone has any suggestions they would be gladly accepted.
> Thanks.

So do i ;p

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