begin  quote
On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 13:00:25 +0200
Jose Gonzalez Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Snipping parts here,  if theres something you want me to comment on,
repost ;)

>     * About the optimization flags, don't give the "idiot" users the
>       chance to change sensitive compile flags. Maybe they could only
>       change the processor they are compiling for with --march-XXXX
>       and nothing else,

This is a point, and Azarah recently implemented something close, but
for CHOST, though it presents an issue for crosscompiling.

>     * About the bug reporting, maybe it could be created some
>     automated    reporting tool. Gnome has one, I don't know if
>     works well, but  it's an idea.

Wouldn't this give us the other side of the problem?  *cough-ho-humm* 
Not educating them, but making it even simpler than a web-form to submit

hmm, As a point, Yes, I believe that the installation-procedure is an
educational process for those who choose to do it, everyone may not be
up to doing it, and thats quite understandable, but its flexible and
errorprone, and could well be made simpler or helped some in good ways. 

(yes, I'm a bit torn in issues like this)

But something in this discussion earlier spawned my interest.. the point
about "binary installs" and GUI's.   I'll elaborate some ;)

In my view it would be a fairly "nice thing" to get a improved GRP like
system for signed binary packages, download and installation through
emerge, the same way it does for source.  defaulted USE flags and a
"good" background infrastructure to do this would be nice to have, both
in a general end-user way, and for improved corporate use (See
suggestions about "build machine + packages"  )

For me, I'd use them, mainly because that would give me a very fast way
to get the system running, and then I could change USE flags, CFLAGS and
other things to rebuild in leisure while doing other, important stuff
( nice -+20 emerge -e world & nethack )

Such a default binary-system would put us up for direct competition with
other, more common, distributions.. (hi Debian... we want your users ;-)
 But I also dont think we are mature enough for that yet, and charging
ahead of the time would probably give a whiplash effect to hamper us in
the following time.

>     By the way, I have curiosity about this... do you all the
>     developers  work for free in Gentoo?

>From what I know, Noone gets paid for working on Gentoo. And from the
inside, it isnt much prestige either ;-)  Mainly bugs and odd ways that
stuff break in. ;-)

And trust me, I'm very helpful for our community and the people on our
lists that take care of a lot of the issues we'd have to bother with at
a daily basis. Thankyou all!


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