
Today, when i try an 'emerge sync', i get this message:

# emerge sync
>>> starting rsync with rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage...
This is rsync17.us.gentoo.org, located at ecpi.edu,

ECPI College of Technology

Server Location:  Virginia Beach, VA

receiving file list ...
49513 files to consider
          32 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
          40 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
rsync[32338] (receiver) heap statistics:
  arena:        6910744   (bytes from sbrk)
  ordblks:         1116   (chunks not in use)
  smblks:             0
  hblks:              1   (chunks from mmap)
  hblkhd:        258048   (bytes from mmap)
  usmblks:            0
  fsmblks:            0
  uordblks:     6246760   (bytes used)
  fordblks:      663984   (bytes free)
  keepcost:       38760   (bytes in releasable chunk)

Number of files: 49513
Number of files transferred: 2
Total file size: 39855815 bytes
Total transferred file size: 72 bytes
Literal data: 72 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 1179332
Total bytes written: 197
Total bytes read: 1179685

wrote 197 bytes  read 1179685 bytes  76121.42 bytes/sec
total size is 39855815  speedup is 33.78

>>> Updating Portage cache... -!!! eclass 'C++' in 'C++' does not exist:
/!!! eclass 'http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/' in 
'http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/' does not exist:
\!!! eclass 'http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/' in 
'http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/' does not exist:
/!!! eclass '~x86' in '~x86' does not exist:
|!!! eclass 'http://tls.sourceforge.net/' in 'http://tls.sourceforge.net/' 
does not exist:
\!!! eclass 'http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/AAS/AASTeX/' in 
'http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/AAS/AASTeX/' does not exist:
/!!! eclass 
'ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/packages/TeX/macros/latex/contrib/supported/' in 
'ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/packages/TeX/macros/latex/contrib/supported/' does not 
-!!! eclass 'GPL-2' in 'GPL-2' does not exist:
\!!! eclass '~x86' in '~x86' does not exist:
|!!! eclass 'GPL-2' in 'GPL-2' does not exist:
\!!! eclass 'mirror://sourceforge/anjuta/anjuta-1.0.2.tar.gz' in 
'mirror://sourceforge/anjuta/anjuta-1.0.2.tar.gz' does not exist:
\!!! eclass 'http://www.fifthvision.net/open/bin/view/Arch/WebHome' in 
'http://www.fifthvision.net/open/bin/view/Arch/WebHome' does not exist:
|!!! eclass 'Artistic' in 'Artistic' does not exist:
-!!! eclass 'BitKeeper' in 'BitKeeper' does not exist:
-!!! eclass 'x86' in 'x86' does not exist:

and it continues a lot of lines
It happens with any mirror.
And then, an emerge -puD world, shows:

# emerge -pu --deep world

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating world dependencies /!!! eclass 
'http://www.advancedresearch.org/dialog/' in 
'http://www.advancedresearch.org/dialog/' does not exist:

!!! all ebuilds that could satisfy ">=dev-util/dialog-0.7" have been masked.
!!!    (dependency required by "app-admin/gentoolkit-0.1.28" [ebuild])

!!! Problem with ebuild app-admin/gentoolkit-0.1.28
!!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem.

!!! Depgraph creation failed.

Where packages that fails are random.

Anyone knows what is happening to me?



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