On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 10:48, Zack Gilburd wrote:
> On Sunday 29 June 2003 04:39 pm, Essien Ita Essien wrote:
> > I 've also tried all the emerge syncing combos, and i still get the same
> > problem.
> Yea, well the truth of the matter is that OSU (which all other rsync mirrors 
> update from) is having problems.  They'll be fixed soon enough.
if you can't wait, set the SYNC variable:
export SYNC="rsync://rsync16.us.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage"
and then do an emerge sync

"Don't worry. I used the back of my sword. Oh, it's double-sided. 
Sorry." -Zelgadis, Slayers 

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