On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 09:12:37PM +0200, Martin Gramatke wrote:
> BTW, is it possible to boot gentoo from an external 1394 hardrive? I guess,
> I need a boot disk.

   In general, what you can boot off of is the domain of the BIOS, including
the subsidiary BIOS on whatever cards are in there.  SCSI cards almost
always have a BIOS that allows you to boot off of them, most modern Network
cards do...  Firewire cards probably would, but the order in which things
are tried is still up to the main BIOS.

   So, if you're going to use this on other than your main system, you
will almost certainly need a boot disk.

Bryan Feir           VA3GBF|"A landlady may be reduced to her lowest terms by a
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